Why Should I Use Google Maps
Google Maps is a top notch tool that is very helpful and useful during your travel for finding locations and other information about the place you are visiting or want to visit. You can join our tours for an adventure in Iran . Google maps can be super efficient during the most popular tours of Iran like Iran cycling tour. There are so many benefits of the app that we have gather some of them here for you:
It`s very comprehensive!
No matter where you are looking for, you will find it on Google maps. Perhaps new neighborhoods and states take a bit long to get on the app but other than that it is very accurate and useful. In addition you will find attractions, landmarks, restaurants, hotels, cafes, and shops. Also you can specify what you are looking for, for instance you can merely say “Chinese restaurants” and it will show you all of them around you and then you can call to make a reservation.
You can trust it!
Well to some extent it has your information and they track you but it is totally safe and trustworthy.
Pin your locations!
One of the good features of is pinning and saving your locations and have easy access to them anytime, anywhere. Furthermore, all your devices will sync if you use one google account.
Book your hotel!
Another useful and cool feature of google is that hotel booking can be possible just like booking.com. It can have a pin on the map with a small note of your dates that you are staying there.
Use the offline maps.
The most practical feature of it, as may some say, allows you to download cities or smaller sections of the map. You can use the downloaded locations later without a signal. This feature is available for IOS and Android. Using maps when you are offline is great and makes traveling much easier.
Don`t underestimate street view!
Street view is a great feature since you can have a look around with 360 degree. If you are traveling to unfamiliar and unknown area this can be a game changer, you can use it for searching about the place and be prepared for what`s it like.
Location history
If you have been logged into your Google maps and have had your location settings enabled it is possible for you to see all of the places that you have visited and been to on your timeline. With this feature you can have an overview of where you have been to.
Also you can search by a date on your timeline which can be very useful if you need data on that day or if you are blogging about your travels.